Wednesday, April 1, 2009

so excited!

I was talking to my ex last night about the HCG diet and he's all wound up about it. Wants to start very soon. He said that one of the girls in the office was saying how good I looked (she saw me when I stopped in his office to pick something up) and that started a conversation about the diet and how he was going to do it. Another girl who works with him said she was willing to look at it and maybe do it with him.

This particular person is ready to have gastric bypass - so this made my heart jump when he told me. If we can help her NOT have that surgery - and be spared all the potential risks that come with it - what an amazing thing!

The fact that he'll have a 'buddy' right there at work with him is also amazing, as I know he'll need the moral support. I love that people I care about want to be healthier. :)


  1. My friend just had gastric bypass last Tue. She has already lost 14 lbs since then. I did tell her about Hcg but she is quite overweight so she thought it would take forever to lose the weight. I think it is great that you have inspired people to lose. Congrats to you!

  2. I agree I tell everyone about this diet. I believe it can be so great a tool. I know people who are ashamed to have taken hcg and wont tell people thats how they lost weight it makes me want to scream at them HOW!?! I am happy that you think it is improtant to share and inspire as Mo said! good luck
