Saturday, October 10, 2009

P3 ... soon!

I read last night that it is indeed 72 hours (not 3 days) from the last 'injection' that you start P3. That will be tonight around 8 pm. I might wait and have dinner late and have some eggs!

I jumped on the scale this morning, afraid of what I'd see - as I've been a bad girl. I was hungry yesterday and ate like 4 apples (and thoroughly enjoyed it!!!) - so I was afraid of the scale this morning. I was at 146.2 where yesterday I was 146.6. Not looking for a loss, but no gains is what I'm looking for.

Excited to stick with the same foods that I have been eating and adding new ones (brocolli, cauliflower), including that yummy ranch dressing I found online w/ no sugar. :)

Off we go - new phase. total hCG loss is 37.3 lbs. This round: 19.4 lbs. From a size 14 or 16 to an 8, with a couple pair of size 6 jeans thrown in. I'll take it. Not quite the 40 lbs I had hoped to be at - but can't always get what you want. :)


  1. Are you sure about that? From what I've read on P&I, the Dr. specifically states that 23 injections are ended with 3 days of VLCD, making it 26 days total. The same with 40 injection days with VLCD totals to 43 days.

    But of course, everyone is different and must do the protocol as they're most comfortable with.

    Good luck on P3

  2. 24 hours x 3=72 hours. I guess it would depend on when your last injection was. If it was 8pm, then yep ,would be 8pm 3 days later.

    Way to go on the losses Shawn! I went from a 20 to a 14 in round 1 and am now on round 2. I'd love to be at an 8 someday!

  3. ty ... and yes, it was 3 days after my last injection. I waited and had my dinner later...salad and a burger and my own ranch (no sugar) and even some almonds. YUMMY!

    great job Christi!!! You will be there in no time! doing great!
